Friday, November 30, 2012

Meet T3-M4

     The T3-series utility droid was an Utility droid produced by Duwani Mechanical Products at some point prior to the Great Droid Revolution. They remained popular for years to come and were still the most recent of a long line of physically identical models as of 3,956 BBY. Earlier models in the same series included the 3C, IT, and T1 models. Designed to function as a maintenance droid for a variety of mechanical and electronic systems, the T3 was internally more advanced than its predecessors. -Wookiepedia

     This will be the style of droid that I will be building. From an engineering standpoint, this shouldn't be too difficult as he mostly made of very boxy parts. Only a couple of pieces are round and would require a routing table, and also, he's pretty sweet looking.

  • Box-like design should be easy to build
  • Rear wheel driven (casters on front feet)
  • Head rotates as well as tilts left and right
  • Front legs pull in and out changing his height
  • Only three lights to worry about
  • Built-in speakers and mp3 player with a shuffled playlist (including some silent tracks) should be sufficient for audio.
Here is a vid that I found of a functional T3. Very nice work!

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