Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Like to Move It, Move It

Motors came in today! YAY!! Haven't done much with them yet, but I'll hook them up soon and get some video. Still waiting on the replacement battery...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Battery Fail!

 Well, I got my batteries in from Amazon the other day, but one of them looked like some kind of power hungry zombie took a bite out of it (see what I did there?). After emailing the original company who shipped it, they are sending a replacement out for me, so I'll be waiting for that before I can move forward. Wish me luck that the new one gets here with waaaay more bubble wrap. =]

p.s. Motors are ordered and will probably arrive next week when the new battery gets here. Can't wait!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Picking up the Pieces

Ladies and gents, I'm getting back to this. After getting a little over my head, I've decided to take a step back and regroup, and now I think I'm in a good place and working at a good pace. I've been slowly (very slowly) buying the parts needed for this huge project, and I will list below what I have/need. I'm definitely going to make some mistakes along the way... I'm just trying to make sure I don't waste any money. But I probably will, lol.

This is what I have so far...

2X 12V 12AH Batteries wired in series
24V XLR Charger

XLR Outlet

Cheap Transmitter. May need to upgrade

Sabertooth 2X12 RC motor controller

Saturday, December 8, 2012

T3-M4 Progression: Day 4

T3's Rear feet have been assembled! He's really starting to come together now, but he's quite hefty. I'm going to attempt to install the RC motors that I have to drive him  but I have a sneaking suspicion that they won't have the power to move him much... if at all. Still looking for some 3mm styrene sheeting at < $50...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

T3-M4 Progression: Day 3

Yay feet! These were kind of a pain to build, but I got them done and attached. Each one of his "toes" has a small caster mounted on the underside. Hopefully this will give me the rolling action that I want, but things dont usually work out so easily in my world so I have a back up plan. If these casters fail to function, I'll be ordering some ball casters. The only problem here is that I'll need two per toe, which ends up being 8 in total. They aren't heavy, which is good... but they aren't cheap either, which kind of sucks. Anyway, back feet are next, then wheels and motors!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

T3-M4 Progression: Day 2

He's got legs!
I couldn't stand T3 laying around all of the time, so I built him some legs. No feet quite yet, but I'm working on it. I can already tell that this PVC is going to drive me up the wall... the fitting just aren't tight enough to carry the weight of the rest of the droid, but that's at least fixable. Eventually he will have some sort of rigid bar that will run from one foot, through the body, and down to the other foot. As long as I can develop or find some means of detaching the legs for travel, but still be able to reattach them without losing the rigidity I'll be a happy camper. I'm just ranting now. Nothing really spectacular to show today, but legs are done and I'm pretty happy about that, and tomorrow should bring feet! =] Enjoy the rest of the pics!
Hope this stuff holds up! 
Skeleton redux

Holds up nicely

Standing all by himself

Starting to look like a big dog, lol

Saturday, December 1, 2012

T3-M4 Progression: Day 1

Rock that body!
I've decided to start out by making a prototype T3-M4 out of cardboard and PVC pipe so that I can work out where motors will be mounted, whether I need some sort of skeleton, and all of the crazy things I'm sure I'd pull my hair out for if I were using styrene from the start. This seems to be working quite well thus far. After getting the plans online with the proper dimensions, I just started drawing them onto some boxes and hit it with the razor knife. Little bit of hot glue and suddenly he starts to take shape. Here are a few more shots I took on day 1. If you have any questions, please ask them below in the comments section, and be sure to subscribe!

Hot glue is a builder's best friend
Starting to take shape

First draft of a PVC skeleton
You see where I'm heading?